Tuesday, January 8, 2008

#12 Web-based applications - not just for desktops

I do like Zoho even though it probably takes more than one visit to master it completely. The posting to your blog option is great and gives you so much more control over the layout of your posts. It did a few odd things with my test post though. It converted a smiley button to the word "laugh!" which made me feel like I was suddenly reading a script with some heavy handing acting prompts. Also I have a background colour on my blog ie charming vellumesque beige,and it dropped out to white where I pasted existing text from Zoho's welcome page. I guess you gradually learn these various quirks as you edit more entries.

1 comment:

Nice Guy said...

More Web 2.0 Applications. You can almost do everything through a webpage these days, in the future you shouldn't have to install software anymore...